Thursday, January 31, 2013

Go Nets

Did I really experience a Brooklyn Nets Training from the first row? YES 
Did I know any of the players before? NO.. not really   (I just thought "That one guy looks like Kim Kardashians ex husband" -until I found out it´s him - Kris Humphries)
Did I also see the following game? YES (Brooklyn Nets -vs- Orlando Magic)
Did I like it? ...NO?!..
Did I love it? YES!!! (The atmosphere was thrilling.)

Will I come back?   Hell YEA, soon!!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

"Fuerza Bruta"

My friend called it a "crazy- ass show" and actually that´s exactly what it is. "Fuerza Bruta", in my opinion a trip which goes from a crazy nightmare to a fun party and I couldn´t help but dance and move with the crowd.
You are truely in the middle of the performance and the actors are dancing, running, falling and -yes- swimming in front of, behind and even above you.

If you want to experience something crazy and mindblowing, "Fuerza Bruta" pretty much could be what you are looking for. But make sure, that you can go somewhere to party after the show because the clubby atmosphere makes hungry for more!! ;)

"crazy- ass face"

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The pizza experience and some rice pudding

I know it´s just pizza and -yes, I know- it´s also just rice pudding. But "Lombardi´s" is known as the "first Pizzaria in America" and the Pizza was huuuge, althogh we ate it all because it really was delicious. 

The second place "Rice to Riches"(perhaps someone has seen it in a Sex and the City episode or the movie Hitch) is probably the one and only place in the world where you can only buy rice pudding an nothing else. The 21 different flavours (from "Hazelnut chocolate Bear hug" to  "French Toast") are making it difficult to decide what to try first and what better not ;) 

Altogether my friend and I were impressed and surprised, what "little Italy" had to offer and I (just want to speak for myself) will definitely come back when I´m craving for pizza or rice pudding or even when I just want to find out, what else "little Italy" can delight me with.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ooooh winter wine...

Winery No. 1

A couple of days ago I attended two wine tastings on Long Island, at two places, which could hardly be more different. The first one was a heavenly house with large windows and even larger rooms (in which I would love to move in at once, by the way). The second one was a lovely little place, which was unimpressive from the outside but the inside was exeeded only by the adorable farm house where we enjoyed a delicious dinner.

Thank you New York for all the different things I can experience, try out and get to know here 

Winery No. 1

Winery No. 1

Winery No. 2


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

An advice to remember

Recently on the Brooklyn Bridge...


* Grow up
* Stand tall and proud
* Go out on a limb
* Remember your roots
* Drink plenty of water
* Be content with you natural beauty
* Enjoy the view

"Thank you, tree!!  I will keep it in mind but now I´m going to enjoy the view :)"

Sunday, January 13, 2013

I officially ♥ SoHo

Ja ich habe mein ultimatives Shoppingparadies gefunden. 
In SoHo findet man einen Store nach dem anderen, eine tolle Boutique grenzt an die Nächste. Und im Gegensatz zu der 5th Avenue kann man sich die Sachen in so gut wie jedem Laden auch leisten. Und als wäre es noch nicht genug, dass mein Shoppingherz die völlige Genugtuung bekommen hat, treffe ich auch noch Agyness Deyn, das Topmodel für das ich mich entschieden hätte, wenn mich jemand gefragt hätte, welches Topmodel ich denn gerne mal treffen würde. Somit konnte auch mein Interesse an Promiklatsch und Celebrities (welches ich auch gerne als mein Laster bezeichne) für den heutigen Tag vollends befriedigt werden.

SoHo ich gestehe- ich habe mich offiziell in dich verliebt!


SoHo - this is where I found my ultimate shopping paradise, this is where I met Agyness Deyn..
and all that just on one day.

SoHo I officially love you! 

I met Agyness Deyn in Topshop

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Union Square

Nachdem ich Silvester krank im Bett verbracht habe (Achja... Happy New Year!!!), hat es mich heute wieder in die Stadt gezogen.
Mein Weg bzw. die Subway hat mich Downtown zu dem am Broadway liegenden Union Square geführt, wo ich nicht, wie erwartet, einen "Greenmarket" vorgefunden habe (ich war wohl ein paar Stunden zu früh dort) sondern zahlreiche Straßenkünstler und Maler, die dort ihre Werke ausstellten.

Es bleibt mir nur zu sagen: Ich komme wieder, wenn dann auch wirklich Markt ist, denn ganz besonders an einem warmen Sommerabend stelle ich mir das ziemlich lebendig vor.


Union Square with all it´s street artists and sidewalk sales.
I will come back to experience a typical Union Square Greenmarket which is located on this place and the best- known of the NYC Greenmarkets.

Greenmarket = opportunity for farmers to sell their fruits, vegetables and other products on at open- air markets in the city.

Kunstwerk aus buntem Sand